Bahamas Emergency Care & Safety Institute

The Bahamas Emergency care & Safety Institute is an Authorized Educational Center for the Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI). Instructor ID: 3H1WAVUTMZJB


The Bahamas Emergency Care and Safety Institute (BECSI) (Educational services, and Emergency, Health and Wellness Services, and courses have NOT been evaluated, registered or accredited through the local Bahamian accrediting agency called, The National Accreditation & Equivalency Council of the Bahamas (NAECOB) or the Health Professions Council. All courses successfully completed by a student, will entitle that student the eligibility to sit an internationally recognized certification examination to become certified. Please consider carefully before enrolling in any one of our certification courses. Certifications awarded from ECSI to successful candidates are accepted in the United States and Some Canadian territories. Please check with your perspective employer to confirm their acceptance of the certification in question.

BECSI will NOT be responsible for any student who completes a course and are unable to secure a job due to non-acceptance of the training and/or certification obtained through BECSI and our certifying affiliate bodies respectfully.

Signed: Management

Bahamas Emergency Care and Safety Institute.

April 9, 2023


An Authorized Emergency Care & Safety Institute Educational Center


Copyright Notice 2022-2024 – Bahamas Emergency Care & Safety Institute. All Rights Reserved.